Looking to reduce your credit card debt? Need to establish your credit score? Have an unexpected expense? Whatever your needs are we will help with a lending solution that best fits your situation.
- Share secured loans may be secured by available funds in your account
- Unsecured loans range from $500.00 up to $50,000.00 for up to 10 years. Depending on the amount, you may be required to have additional co-signers.
General Requirements
In order to borrow we require that you be a member in good standing and generally have current employment history. Special circumstances will be considered. Proof of income will be required to determine your borrowing capacity.
Please call (310) 828-7095 to discuss your best options.
Download the Application Today
Please contact us to speak with a Loan Representative regarding any questions and how to complete your application.
APR = Annual Percentage Rate. All rates are subject to change and require credit approval.